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1 The Impressionist school of painters did not attempt to portray the external world of objects per se, but rather the human experience of the __________(2 words) of that world. (p.794)
2 The practice of making "news" sensational and entertaining. (2 words, p.793)
3 The idea that one religion is as good as another. (p.792)
4 Modern art rebelled against the Western tradition of the realistic and rational ____________ of the external world of objects. (p. 794)
5 Limited-liability laws promoted large amounts of investment capital by protecting _____. (p.766)
6 After suffering humiliating defeat in the Russo-Japanese war of 1905, the Tsar Nicholaus 2 suppressed a mass protest outside his palace killing 130 protesters and wounding several hundred more (2 words, p.784)
7 Rejecting the use of "exemplary terror" and violence, this movement/philosophy tried to organize strikes and sabotage production in order that bourgeois capitalism would fail and be replaced by associations of workers. (p.770)
8 Held monopoly in oil in US in early 20th century. (p.766)
9 Innovations in production spurred the Industrial Revolutions of the 1800's, but a major shift in 20th century capitalism was the increasing focus and dependence of economies on this. (p.765)
10 A new salaried social class of people who were neither bourgeois owners nor workers. (2 words, p.766)
11 The radical political party in Russia in the early 20th century that felt their nation could skip the Marxist stage of workers' revolution and rapidly industrialize though a strong central government. (p.783)
12 19th century school of American philosophers who taught that "truth" was whatever produced useful practical results. (p.792)
13 Expensive construction ventures like railroads and steamships made businesses become interdependent with _______. (p.767)
14 German philosopher who blamed Christianity for giving Western civilization a weak conformist attitude that he called the"slave mentality." (p.792)
15 The German equivalent of the US House of Representatives. (p.780)
16 "We will glorify war--the only true hygiene of the world--militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of anarchist, the beautiful ideas that kill." (p.796)
17 The German Social Democratic Party (SPD) radicalized due to his oppressive anti-socialist laws. (p.769)
18 Held monopoly in steel in US around turn of 20th century. (p.7660
19 The dominant social group in Russia before World War 1. (p.782)
20 Freud argued that society conditions its members to feel the sort of moral conscience it desires through this part of the soul. (p.790)
21 During the Second Industrial Revolution, this country came to dominate the development and production of chemicals. (p.
22 Incorporation allowed businesses to merge and increase size in order to ______. (p.766)
23 The style of modern art that breaks the vision of reality into fragmented planes. (p.795)
24 Russian political philosopher who wanted governments to fail in the hope that small local communities protecting individual freedom would emerged. He called for popular uprisings to use terror and violence to destabilize governments. (p.769)
25 Modern painter who escaped from the corruption of modern Europe to the primitive simplicity of Tahiti. (p.795)
26 Russian physician who argued that animals (including humans) could have their behavior modified by using certain physical stimuli to condition them to give desired responses. (p.789)
27 He felt that Russia needed a radical revolution with strong leadership that would force the industrial development and reform of the Russian economy. (p.783)
28 "Art is the opposite of nature. A work of art can only come from the interior of man." (p.794)
29 The traditional Russian unit of village government. (p.782)
30 According to Freud, human thought, speech and action is largely result of the irrational drives and desires that constitute this part of the soul. (p.790)