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1 After the Great Rebellion of 1857, Britain shifted its strategy of controlling India by cultivating, promoting and relying much more on the ________(3 words, p.735; p.s. This was also ultimately Britain's undoing in India through men like Gandhi.)
2 Radical Christian missionaries challenged the authority of the emperor in China in an uprising quashed by Western military might from 1852-1864. Perhaps 20 million were killed. (p.738)
3 After, the Great Rebellion of 1857, the British reformed their military units of native troops from different parts of India in order to avoid this. (p.735)
4 Traditional cloth makers in Indian villages were hurt by the availability of cheap British ______ textiles. (p.737, This is why the Western-educated and cultured Gandhi always wore native Indian clothes.)
5 British General who lost big in the United States colonies but won big in India's colonization. (p.732)
6 The last major independent African nation that soundly defeated Italy in 1896. (p.755)
7 In addition to trade, Britain became increasingly dependent on India ________. (p.736)
8 One of the first to publish a book on racial theory in 1850's claiming a "degeneration" of humanity based on "blood" in which white, then yellow, then black skin represented the descending levels of degeneration. (p.750)
9 Around 1900, this Western nation-state created the first known "concentration camp" in order to prevent civilians from supporting guerilla fighters. 20,000 died from starvation and disease in the camp in 2 years time. (p.757)
10 The fertile river basin of the Congo, rich in palm, rubber and minerals, was large)ly controlled by this Western nation-state. (pp.745,749
11 The Germans burned villages and nearly annihilated the native peoples through "ethnic cleansing" in this German colony in Southwest Africa. (modern name, pp.746,748,749)
12 Used Darwin's theory of natural selection ("survival of fittest" species in biology) to explain inequalities in wealth and poverty in society. (i.e. The rich are rich because they are more "fit" and the poor are poor because they inferior specimens of humanity.)
13 "White man's burden." ( p.729)
14 The treaty with China in 1842 that gave British traders the right to trade and live in 5 Chinese cities including possession of Hong Kong "in perpetuity." (p.738
15 Most of the territory of Northwest Africa was colonized and controlled by this Western nation. (pp. 744,749)
16 Japan humiliated this major Western power by defeating its military in in a war in 1904. (p.742)
17 He got rich on diamonds, helped Britain carve up South Africa, and created the world's most prestigious academic scholarship at Oxford University. (p.746, a country in South Africa still bears his name.)
18 British social critic and reformer who believed that his country's imperialist involvements overseas were caused by a lack of representative democracy in Britain's own government. (p.730)
19 Black American intellectual who foresaw that the nemesis of the 20th century would be "the problem of the color-line. (p.752)
20 The secret society of young men trained in martial arts that led a valiant uprising in China that Western troops brutally put down in 1900. (p.739)
21 Russian critic inspired by the ideas of Karl Marx who argued that colonial and imperialists involvements overseas were caused by capitalism's ever-expanding need for new markets. (p.730)
22 Dutch farmers in South Africa who fought a valiant and costly guerilla war against the British takeover of their (newly discovered gold-rich) farmlands. (p.757)
23 The US forced this country (with military pressure) to allow allow free trade in their "Open Door Policy." (p.738)
24 Britain and France almost went to war in 1898 over control of this Northwest African nation. (p.753-4)
25 His invention (ca 1883, Sir Hiram ____) allowed the British to slaughter thousands of natives per minute in India, Africa and other imperial colonies. (p.745)
26 Britain tried to make up for its increasing trade losses with the rapidly developing nation-states of Europe and the US by its trade through India that accounted for one _______ of all its overseas trade. (p.736)
27 The British project of the Suez Canal (1869) cut through 100 miles of this country in order to connect the Mediterranean and Red Seas. (p.727)
28 The "Great Mutiny of 1857" is also called the "________ Mutiny" after the traditional name for Indian soldiers serving in the British military. (p.733)
29 The British East India Company's most lucrative trade coming out of India was in _______. (p.732)
30 The most cruel and inhumane tax the British ever levied upon the native people of India was on this. (p.757)