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Dent ( Zea mays indentata )
Dent corn is often used as livestock feed , in ____________________ products , or to make processed ____________________ .

Flint ( Zea mays indurata )
Flint corn , also known as ____________________ corn , is used for similar purposes as dent corn . It is distinguished by a range of colors from white to ____________________ .

Sweet ( Zea saccharata or Zea rugosa )
Sweet corn is primarily eaten on the ____________________ , or it can be canned or frozen for future consumption and it is seldom used for feed or flour . Sweet corn is extra sweet because it contains more natural ____________________ than other types of corn .

Flour ( Zea mays amilacea )
Flour corn is used in ____________________ goods because it has a soft , starch - filled , kernal that is easy to grind and it is primarily ____________________ .

Popcorn ( Zea mays everta )
Popcorn , a type of flint corn , has a soft ____________________ center surrounded by a very hard exterior ____________________ .