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In the realm of business decisions , the approach taken often varies . Some leaders prefer a ____________________ method , maintaining objectivity regardless of the situation , while others rely ____________________ feeling , sensing the ____________________ of opportunities and risks . Both the detached and feeling - based decision - making processes have their merits . However , the ____________________ approach tends to follow established methods , whereas the ____________________ - ____________________ leader considers all the options within their company before seeking external advice .

Indecisiveness can occasionally ____________________ decisions , impacting progress . In contrast , pragmatic leaders prioritize the ____________________ aspects of a situation , swiftly taking action . To make well - informed decisions , it's crucial to ____________________ different perspectives . This involves ____________________ diverse viewpoints , delving into ____________________ details , and empirically evaluating potential outcomes .

Procurement decisions are particularly sensitive , often requiring a balanced mix of detached analysis and subtle observations . The key is to understand the undercurrents of the market while making ____________________ choices . Leaders who delay decisions might miss ____________________ , while those relying solely on feelings may overlook critical aspects .

Therefore , a balanced approach , considering all available options , weighing up salient factors , and getting different ____________________ , tends to yield the most effective business decisions in today's dynamic environment .