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Suppose you wanted to ____________________ a small rock , you couldn't do it just by wishing rock with move it , and you couldn't do it by ____________________ , and you couldn't do it by ordering rock to move . There's only one ____________________ you could make the rock move and that's by making a force act on it . What's a ____________________ ? That's something that pushes or pulls something else , like the force from a hand pushing the rock or ____________________ it . It doesn't matter what does the pushing or pulling , as long as it applies a large enough force it can move the rock . In fact , the rock can even be moved by a force that you can't see , if you do this for instance . When you do that , the force moving the rock is called ____________________ .

Gravity is a force pulling the rock toward the center of the ____________________ . Gravity pulls everything else in the world toward the center of the earth also , including you . Gravity was pulling on the rock on the land of course but when the ____________________ was there that kept the rock for moving down . If you remove the table , you allow the force gravity to move the rock . Yeah ! and when you ____________________ the rock up again , you use another force this time to ____________________ it . So whenever you make this rock move you do it by making force acted on it . In fact , anytime anything at all it's not moving starts moving it's because some force acts on it .