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The evolution in the ____________________ Swiss breed in terms of morphological and functional entailed several improvements . These focused on many aspects ; particularly those relating to the ____________________ and ____________________ 'typical of the breed . They , along with the validity 'of the breast and the improvement of ____________________ ____________________ , have led in recent years sensitive production increases .
E 'to emphasize the ____________________ of the race ( on average 3 . 53 lactations per cow ) which places the Italian Brown the ____________________ places in the ranking of breeds raised in Italy and around the world . In addition to the remarkable functionality of the breast , it should be highlighted the skeletal structure solid and well defined .
The Italian beef ____________________ of cattle , animals are considered harmonious .
These come with a coat of uniform color , ____________________ for the first three months of a brown - ____________________ in the following months of life , the ____________________ slate is surrounded by a white halo , ____________________ purposes however , are of a white color at the base and black at the tip .