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Hi , my name is Candy and I am going to tell you the story of a very special ____________________ . One Christmas not too long ago Rudolph , that's the name of this special deer , was standing alone on the day before ____________________ . He watched as the other reindeer ran and played together , they had such fun . Rudolph was small but that wasn't the reason the others didn't ask him to join the reindeer games . Rudolph had a big , bright ____________________ nose . It was not a regular reindeer nose at all , it was so bright it seemed to ____________________ . The other deer teased him , and they laughed about Rudolph's nose . They rolled in the ____________________ with delight as poor ____________________ walked back to the stable , lonely and very , very sad . The others soon went back to their games and Rudolph tried to have fun by himself , because it was Christmas after all . It wasn't as much fun as playing with the others would have been , Rudolph sighed .

The light faded from the day and eveyone was scurrying to load Santa's ____________________ . It was getting dark fast , and a fog was making matters worse . The mood was somber and even the reindeer began to quarrel about who would be the best one to lead the team this evening . Soon all was set and ____________________ climbed into the sleigh and he set off . He was already late , and it was so dark he couldn't even see the lead reindeer . Time was passing and it became clear that no headway was being made . Santa was flying in circles .

What would happen to Christmas ? Santa was quite worried , he didn't even know how to get back to the ____________________ Pole , then dimly at first , he could see a faint red light . Santa directed the sleigh towards the light , and it grew steadily stronger . What could it be he thought ? It was ever so ____________________ . Carefully Santa brought the sleigh to rest close to the light . He found Rudolph playing by himself trying to enjoy Christmas ____________________ . Santa asked Rudolph if he would mind helping out with the sleigh , that big ____________________ nose is just what he needed to stay on track . Rudolph was thrilled , and jumped at the chance . The other reindeer knew this would save Christmas and they smiled their approval as Rudolph went to the front of the team . ____________________ ____________________ rang out crisply on that dark night as Rudolph and his shiny nose lead Santa and the sleigh full of ____________________ around the world . From that day forward Rudolph became proud to be known as Rudolph the Red - Nosed Reindeer , . . .

. . . a very special ____________________ indeed !