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The ____________________ lobe of the brain is responsible for motor output .
The frontal lobe of the brain contains ____________________ ____________________ which plans speech movement .
The frontal lobe of the brain contains both the ____________________ motor cortex and the motor ____________________ cortex .
The ____________________ lobe of the brain is involved in personality and mood .
The parietal lobe of the brain is involved in ____________________ input .
One half of ____________________ ____________________ is found in the parietal lobe and the other half is found in the ____________________ lobe .
The ____________________ lobe of the brain deals with visual input .
The ____________________ lobe interprets visceral and special sensatio n
The ____________________ lobe is involved in hearing .
The primary auditory cortex which receives special auditory sensory input is found in the ____________________ lobe .
Pain and social signals are processed in the ____________________ lobe .