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1 . What ____________________ the manager ____________________ at 7 : 00 pm yesterday ? ( do )
2 . Tina and Shelly ____________________ ____________________ to the hotel when it ____________________ to rain . ( walk / start )
3 . When Donny ____________________ the room , everyone ____________________ ____________________ . ( enter / talk )
4 . I ____________________ ____________________ in the sales department when I first ____________________ Sofie . ( work / meet )
5 . My brother ____________________ ____________________ the computer while I ____________________ ____________________ for my trip . ( use / pack )
6 . ____________________ you ____________________ attention when the teacher ____________________ your name ? ( pay / call )
7 . We ____________________ ____________________ TV when the lighting ____________________ . ( watch / strike )
8 . She ____________________ ____________________ about me behind my back , wasn't she ? ( whisper )
9 . ____________________ the client really ____________________ out while Troy ____________________ ____________________ the proposal ? ( walk / present )
10 . This morning , while I ____________________ ____________________ breakfast , someone ____________________ on the door . ( eat / knock )