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One afternoon , Socrates ____________________ ____________________ ( to stand ) outside the gates of Athens when he noticed a traveller who ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( to stare ) at him for a long time .
Socrates ____________________ ( to ask ) the man why he ____________________ ____________________ ( to come ) to Athens . ? I ? m thinking of moving to Athens , ? he said .
? What is it like to live here ? ? Socrates looked ( to look ) at him . ? First , would you tell me what was it like in your city ? ?
The man replied , ? Oh , it was awful . Everyone stabs you in the back and wants to make money off of you . ? Frowning , Socrates ____________________ ( to tell ) him , ? Well , you ? ll find the same things here . I suggest you to go somewhere else ? .
Socrates ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( to stand ) there a few hours more when another man ____________________ ( to approached ) him .
This man too ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( to arrive ) in Athens and ____________________ ____________________ ( to consider ) moving to the city . He too asked Socrates , ? Can you tell me what is like to live here ? Socrates asked , ? First would you tell me what was like to live in your previous home city ? ? ? Where I come from the people work together and help each other ? , said the man .
? Kindness is everywhere and you are never treated with anything but respect ? . ? Well , ? ____________________ ( to reply ) Socrates , ? you ? ll find the same thing here . Welcome to Athens ? .