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Keira ____________________ ____________________ at 2 a . m . She ____________________ a shower then ____________________ dressed . She leaves home at 3 a . m . and ____________________ to work at 3 . 30 . She has a quick breakfast at work . then she gets ready for the breakfast TV programme . She reads the plan for the morning . The programme starts at 5 a . m . when most people are asleep .

Liam loves his job but it's hard work . He gets up at 3 p . m .
and ____________________ time with his family . He leaves for work at 8 . 30 p . m . because he worries about the traffic . He ____________________ work at 10 p . m . He works in the hospital and helps the patients and doctors . He ____________________ have lunch but he has coffee and a snack . He ____________________ work at 6 a . m . and has dinner . He gets home at 7 a . m . and ____________________ straight to bed because he's very tired !