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1 . Susan usually ____________________ ( go ) to school by bus , but now she
____________________ ____________________ ( go ) to school by train .
2 . Mary often ____________________ ( read ) in bed , but today she is very tired and she ____________________ ____________________ ( not / read ) .
3 . The boys usually ____________________ ( ride ) their bikes to school . They ____________________ ____________________ ( like / ride ) their bikes . They ____________________ ( be ) very naughty
boys . They always ____________________ ( go ) to school late . Today their teacher
____________________ ( be ) very angry , because they ____________________ ( be ) late again .
4 . Mary ____________________ ____________________ ( like / eat ) sweets . Every morning she ____________________
( have ) coffee with a lot of sweets and chocolate . For lunch she and her friends
often ____________________ ( eat ) sweets or ice - cream . She ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( not /
like / eat ) fruit or vegetables . She ____________________ ____________________ ( eat / never ) eggs or
cheese . Today she ____________________ ( be ) sick . She ____________________ ____________________ ( sleep )
in her room now .