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1 . Would you like ____________________ to eat ? No , thank you .
2 . The town is not really big but you can go ____________________ you want .
3 . We don't have food . There isn't ____________________ inside of the fridge .
5 . Tell ____________________ to help you with the party organization .
6 . My car stopped in the middle of the road and there is ____________________ to help me .
7 . This is boring there is ____________________ else to do .
8 . Buy ____________________ for the house decoration it's Christmas .
9 . What's the problem ? ____________________ I am ok .
10 . ____________________ came and said today we have exam
11 . Marcus lives ____________________ in Canada .
12 . Don't trust ____________________ the information in your bank account is personal .
13 . Don't worry ____________________ is going to be ok .
14 . There is ____________________ very scary about that place
15 . I hope ____________________ have fun in the Christmas part y