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You know I ____________________ a part of me back in New York
You knew the ____________________ died , so what's the ____________________ for ?
You knew it still hurts ____________________ my ____________________
From when they pulled me apart
You knew the ____________________ , so I let you in the ____________________
You knew you ____________________ , so what's the point of keeping ____________________ ?
You knew ____________________ still ____________________ underneath my scars
From when they ____________________ me apart
But what ____________________ did was just as ____________________
____________________ , this was just as hard
As when they pulled me ____________________
Don't ____________________ the last page
But I ____________________ when it's ____________________ , or it's wrong , or we're making ____________________
I want your ____________________
But ____________________ be ____________________ up ____________________ with you on New Year's Da y
I think I've ____________________ this ____________________ before
And I didn't like the ____________________
I'm not your ____________________ anymore
So who am I ____________________ now ?
You were my ____________________
Now I'm in ____________________ , ____________________ you out
I think I've ____________________ this film ____________________
So I'm leavin' out the ____________________ doo r