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In a small ____________________ there was a forest ____________________ there ____________________ many ____________________ like the ____________________ that ____________________ big and ____________________ , a ____________________ who always helped his friends ____________________ ____________________ the ____________________ of trees , the ____________________ ____________________ always lived in the mud ____________________ ____________________ bathing , many birds that wandered from side to side in search of their food , ____________________ ____________________ and ____________________ that were ____________________ to show who ____________________ the best , the ____________________ ____________________ swimming in the ____________________ happy summarizing its ____________________ wings and ____________________ animals such ____________________ ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ ____________________ wanted to share with one ____________________ , until one ____________________ get a big storm ____________________ all , ____________________ the nature of ____________________ forest and ____________________ many wounded animals , but ____________________ ____________________ was so ____________________ that they never ____________________ alone ____________________ always until vovlieron helped ____________________ their new ____________________ .