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Environmental Worldviews are the ways in which people ____________________ and interact with the natural world . These worldviews are shaped by a variety of factors , including ____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ . There are several different environmental worldviews , ranging from ____________________ , which places ____________________ at the center of the natural world , to ____________________ , which views all ____________________ as having inherent ____________________ . Other worldviews include ____________________ , which focuses on the value of individual ____________________ , and deep ecology , which emphasizes the ____________________ of all living things . These worldviews can have a significant ____________________ on how ____________________ and ____________________ approach ____________________ and make ____________________ about ____________________ and ____________________ .
____________________ ____________________ is an environmental worldview that focuses on the fact that ____________________ are part of the ____________________ . This worldview argues that all things in nature are ____________________ . Most ideas associated with earth wisdom come from ____________________ ____________________ and are focused on ____________________ our impact on the environment .
____________________ ____________________ is a worldview that focuses on humans as being in ____________________ of nature . In this worldview humans should control the ecosystem because they can . There are two sub - schools of thought under planetary management . One of them is ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , which states that the Earth is a set of ____________________ systems . If we can understand how the systems work , we can control and manipulate them . The second is ____________________ ____________________ , which argues that human ingenuity and ____________________ can solve any problem that arises in the environment .
The worldview of ____________________ attempts to bridge the gap between ____________________ ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ . It argues that humans should make use of the resources available in the environment , but we must use them in a way that is ____________________ . Stewardship requires that we think about ____________________ ____________________ and their resource needs .