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A . What are your plans for the weekend ? B . I'm not sure , I ____________________ ____________________ to a party .
A . Are you on holiday next week ? B . Yes , we ____________________ ____________________ on one of the Greek isles .
A . Are you ready to order , sir . B . Yes , I ____________________ ____________________ the chicken , please .
A . Have you got any New Year resolutions ? B . Yes , I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ learn a new language .
A . Can I order a taxi for tomorrow morning , please ? B . Of course . What time ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ?
A . Do you want to play cards ? B . No , sorry , I'm really tired . I think , I ____________________ ____________________ to bed .
A . Do you want to do something on Sunday ? B . Sure , I ____________________ ____________________ my mum for lunch , but we could do something after that .
A . What time should we get there ? B . Well , the other guests are ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ about eight .