There's
a
fire
____________________
in
my
____________________
Reaching
a
fever
pitch
,
it's
bringing
me
out
the
____________________
Finally
can
see
you
____________________
clear
Go
____________________
and
sell
me
out
and
I'll
lay
your
ship
bare
See
how
I'll
leave
with
____________________
piece
of
____________________
____________________
underestimate
the
things
____________________
will
do
There's
a
fire
starting
in
my
heart
____________________
a
fever
pitch
and
it's
____________________
me
out
the
dark
The
scars
of
your
love
remind
me
of
us
They
keep
me
thinking
____________________
we
almost
had
it
all
The
scars
of
your
____________________
they
leave
me
breathless
can't
____________________
feelin
g