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In some situations , a member of the ____________________ ____________________ will email the customer , while in others the shipping label will be ____________________ directly from ____________________ .
The ____________________ ____________________ sends labels if ____________________ than 1 label is requested .
We ____________________ resend a label directly from ____________________ .
The ____________________ line of the email when the ____________________ Team sent the ____________________ will read : " SupplyHouse . com ____________________ XXXX Labels are Ready " .
When the ____________________ ____________________ sends the label , the ____________________ line of their order ____________________ will be ____________________ .
When ____________________ from the Shipping Team , the label is a ____________________ attached to the ____________________ .
____________________ labels are valid for ____________________ days .
____________________ labels will be sent directly by ____________________ if it is the ____________________ request for a ____________________ UPS label .
When ____________________ directly sends the label , the first ____________________ of the ____________________ note will be ____________________ ____________________ .
The first ____________________ sent directly by ____________________ does ____________________ contain the label , but it ____________________ show the ____________________ , destination ____________________ , and ____________________ number .
The ____________________ email sent directly by ____________________ contains a ____________________ to access the label .
When sent directly by ____________________ , the ____________________ can either print it at home or select the ____________________ code .
If a customer selects the mobile ____________________ option , they must ____________________ the code in to be ____________________ at a UPS store .
If the customer states they ____________________ received their label ____________________ , we should check it is still ____________________ and that it is not in the spam ____________________ or ____________________ out of the customer's ____________________ .
To guarantee the customer ____________________ a label if they are having ____________________ , we can create a UPS ____________________ / Pickup task and select to ____________________ the label or set up a UPS ____________________ .
Mailing ____________________ takes ____________________ - 7 business ____________________ and are sent from the ____________________ office .