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Culture rules ____________________ LÄHES every aspect of your life and like most people , you are ____________________ ____________________ TÄYSIN TIETÄMÄTÖN of this .
If asked , you would likely ____________________ MÄÄRITELLÄ culture as music , literature , ____________________ ____________________ KUVATAIDE , architecture or language , and you wouldn't be wrong . But you wouldn't be ____________________ TÄYSIN right either . ____________________ ____________________ iTSE ASIASSA , the things produced by a culture which we ____________________ HAHMOTTAA with our five senses are simply ____________________ ILMENEMINEN of the deeper meaning of culture ? what we do , think and feel .
Culture is taught and learned and shared ? there is no culture of one . And yet , culture is not ____________________ MONOLIITTINEN ? individuals exist within a culture .
Finally , culture is symbolic . Meaning is ____________________ JOHTUA to behaviour , words and objects and this meaning is ____________________ OBJEKTIIVISESTI ____________________ SATUNNAINEN , ____________________ SUBJEKTIIVISESTI logical and ____________________ JÄRKEVÄ .
Culture is ____________________ ELINTÄRKEÄ because it ____________________ MAHDOLLISTAA its members to ____________________ TOIMIA with one another without the need to ____________________ NEUVOTELLA meaning at every moment . Culture is learned and forgotten , so ____________________ HUOLIMATTA its SEN ____________________ TÄRKEYS we are generally ____________________ TIETÄMÄTTÖMÄNÄ of its influence VAIKUTUS on the ____________________ TAPA in which we ____________________ YMMÄRTÄÄ the world and ____________________ OLLA VUOROVAIKUTUKSESSA within it . Culture is ____________________ MERKITTÄVÄ because as we work with others it ____________________ SEKÄ enables MAHDOLLISTAA us ____________________ ETTÄ ____________________ ESTÄÄ us in our ____________________ KYKY to understand and work ____________________ TEHOKKAASTI together .