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Mari , you won ? t believe what ( 1 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( just / happen ) to me ! I ( 2 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( walk ) into town when I ( 3 ) ____________________ ( see ) Charlie , my old boyfriend from school . He ( 4 ) ____________________ ? t ____________________ ( not notice ) me because it ( 5 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( rain ) and he ( 6 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( talk ) to somebody on his mobile phone . I ( 7 ) ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( like ) him so much in the past , but we ( 8 ) ____________________ ? t ____________________ ( not / be ) in touch with each other since I went to university and ( 9 ) ____________________ ( meet ) my husband . We ( 10 ) ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( be ) such good friends , but now we are just strangers .
We ( 0 ) ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( JUST ARRIVE ) at the caravan park . We stopped at a few places on the way here , including a castle and a hill with beautiful views . I ( 1 ) ____________________ ( THINK ) the castle was amazing , but the other kids were bored there . They ( 2 ) ____________________ ? T ____________________ ( NOT FIND ) the castle interesting . They just wanted ( 3 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( PLAY ) around .
We had a few problems getting through the main gates . The owners of the caravan that we ( 4 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( RENT ) told us that they would leave a key for us at reception , but when we ( 5 ) ____________________ ( ARRIVE ) , the reception was closed and there was no - one there . We had ( 6 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( PHONE ) the owners and ask them where they had left the key . In the end , someone from the shop ( 7 ) ____________________ ( HELP ) us get into reception and pick up the key .
So here we are now , having fun at the caravan park . There ( 8 ) ____________________ ( BE ) a pool and a tennis court . This afternoon , Kim and I ( 9 ) ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( PLAY ) a match . Anyway , mum , I ( 10 ) ____________________ ____________________ ( WRITE ) you again tomorrow . Bye !
Last year I ( 1 . have ) ____________________ a piece of good luck . One day I ( 2 . work ) ____________________ ____________________ in the bank as usual , when I ( 3 . get ) ____________________ a phone call from the football pools company . They told me I ( 4 . win ) ____________________ ____________________ a large amount of money on the football pools . A few weeks later I ( 5 . decide ) ____________________ to give up work and buy a house in the country . Now I ( 6 . live ) ____________________ ____________________ in a small village in the west of England .
I ( 7 . learn ) ____________________ ____________________ a lot about wild animals and flowers since I moved to the country . I ( 8 . not have ) ____________________ ? t ____________________ time for that kind of thing when I was living in London . I ( 9 . also change ) ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ my daily routine a great deal . I ( 10 . usually spend ) ____________________ ____________________ most of my day painting . I have painted some quite good portraits of my neighbors , and next month I ( 11 . have ) ____________________ ____________________ an exhibition in a nearby town . Sometimes I ( 12 . miss ) ____________________ my old life , but I wouldn ? t go back to London . I think that most people would do the same as me if they ( 13 . have ) ____________________ the opportunity .
This weekend was a disaster ____________________ Tom . ____________________ Saturday , he met ____________________ a friend in the city centre to have a coffee ____________________ a bar . Tom ordered ____________________ an espresso and his friend asked ____________________ a cappuccino . They talked ____________________ what they wanted to do ____________________ Saturday evening . Tom said ____________________ his friend that he wanted to go ____________________ a new disco called the Pink Flamingo and Tom's friend Phil agreed ____________________ him . Phil told ____________________ Tom that he would call ____________________ two girls he knew to invite them too , paid ____________________ the coffees and they left ____________________ the bar together .

So , ____________________ 9pm Tom went ____________________ the disco and waited ____________________ his friends . ____________________ half an hour , he was worried ____________________ his friends . Lots of people arrived ____________________ the new disco - but not his friend Phil or the girls he knew . So Tom took out his cell phone and wrote a message ____________________ Phil . " Where are you ? I am waiting ____________________ you ! I am in front ____________________ the disco . " ____________________ two minutes , Phil replied ____________________ Tom : " We are opposite ____________________ the disco , but we can't see you . " Tom wrote back : " OK , we will find each other ____________________ a few minutes . Do you think the disco looks nice ? " " Yes , " replied Phil , " but isn't the Pink Peacock a strange name ____________________ a disco . "