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____________________ : pulled towards
attracted : ____________________ towards
brittle : easily ____________________ or ____________________ into pieces when dropped , hit or bent
ceramics : objects made form ____________________ or sand
conducts : carries ____________________ or electricity
conclusion : something you decide based on the ____________________ of an investigation
____________________ : a metal breaking down
data : ____________________ or ____________________ collected in an investigation
____________________ : able to be drawn into wires
____________________ : look at what you have done and think of how to do it ____________________ next time
____________________ : things that play a role in a result
____________________ test : when we test everything in the same way and only have ____________________ ____________________ factor
hypothesis : a ____________________ ____________________ about what you think will happen in an investigation
____________________ : attracted to a magnet
malleable : able to be ____________________ or ____________________ into shape
ore : a type of ____________________ that contains ____________________ and metals
plated : a ____________________ coated by anoter metal
polymer : ____________________ , ____________________ and certain fabrics
properties : qualities or characteristics of ____________________ and materials
rust : the reddish - brown layer formed when iron combines with ____________________ and water
tarnish : when a ____________________ metal gets a ____________________ appearance