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____________________ Sir Nicolas
I ____________________ like to ____________________ a reservation , a single ____________________ for 5 nights on December 24th onwards . Do you have ____________________ for this period ?
Are pets ____________________ ?
I ____________________ to travel with my dog .
I ____________________ be more than happy if you can ____________________ your rates on your website and also this ____________________ .

Kind regards ,

Alex Logd e
Dear Mary ,
I hope you are fine . Thank you for the pictures you have ____________________ me in your ____________________ ____________________ . They are beautiful and bring me some ____________________ memories . I ____________________ writing you ____________________ I am planning to visit ____________________ next ____________________ and it would be great if you ____________________ ____________________ to have a dinner together .

Is ____________________ ok for ____________________ ?

Looking forward for your reply !

Best ,

Lisa Mayers