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- Hello Dr . Stones have you enjoyed your journey in Moncayo's Natural Park ?

- Yes my dear apprentice . I have been taking photos at many flowers and I have discovered that plants are ____________________ as they have both male and female reproductive organs . Male organs are called ____________________ and female organs are called ____________________ .

- And how about the fruits ? I have read that plants can be ____________________ ( if they don't produce fruits ) or ____________________ ( if they produce fruits ) .

- Yes my friend , I have seen both types of plants . It is really remarkable the beauty of the conifer's forests . I think that in Christmas it would nice to decorate those ____________________ .

- Have you been lucky enough to see ____________________ and ____________________ , those non - flowering plants that grow near the rivers ?

- No because they were too far away and I wasn´t ready for the challenge .