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Dad's car is much _____ than mine . ( fast )
I think scuba diving is ____________________ ____________________ than climbing . ( fascinating )
His thirst grew ____________________ and ____________________ . ( big / big )
He thinks this test was ____________________ ____________________ than the last one . ( difficult )
They live in a really ____________________ house . ( beautiful )
She is the ____________________ tennis player of the world . ( good )
Susan is a ____________________ girl . She's much ____________________ than her sister . ( nice / nice )
This suitcase is ____________________ than the others . ( heavy )
Hotels in London are ____________________ ____________________ than in Vienna . ( expensive )
Bob is ____________________ than Keith , but Phil is the ____________________ . ( tall / tall )
Doris reads ____________________ books than Peter , but Frank reads the ____________________ . ( many / many )
France is as ____________________ as Spain . ( beautiful )
They live in a ____________________ house , but Fred lives in a ____________________ one . ( big / big )
My sister is three years ____________________ than me . ( young )
This was the ____________________ film I have ever seen . ( bad )
I think tennis is ____________________ ____________________ than cycling . ( interesting )
I talked to Claire and she is a very ____________________ girl . ( smart )
His company earned ____________________ money than the years before . ( little )
She was the ____________________ ____________________ girl at college . ( popular )
They didn't stay out as ____________________ as last Saturday . ( late )