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As the giant looked out at his ____________________ , he saw that there was still one part of it where it wasn't ____________________ . In
the corner farthest from the house , it was still winter . ____________________ covered the ground , so there were no ____________________ . There
was a tree in the corner , but there were no ____________________ on its ____________________ . Instead , there was still frost and snow on
the tree . The ____________________ was racing - around the tree and the North Wind was ____________________ and blowing all around it . There
was a little boy in the corner , too . The little boy was very small , and he couldn't ____________________ up to the branches of the
tree . He walked around the tree , looking up at the high branches and ____________________ . He seemed so sad The tree was
sad , too . It wanted the little . boy to ____________________ up and sit in its branches . It bent and spoke softly .
" Please , climb up , little boy . Sit in my branches , so that Winter will leave me alone at last . "
The tree ____________________ its branches down as low as it could , but the little boy still could not reach them . He was too tiny .
The giant felt very sad as he watched this ____________________ . He suddenly ____________________ why Spring had been so late that year .
" Now I know why Spring didn't want to come to my garden . It is because I was ____________________ and I didn't let the
children play here . "