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a relationship between two people, organisations, or countries that work together.

when borrowing money becomes difficult because banks are forced to reduce the amount they lend.

the room of building where you work.

a company whose shares are bought and sold on the Stock Exchange.

a technique or process that is believed to be more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other known technique and is therefore used as a benchmark when developing policy.

when the owners of a limited liability company are only responsible for their company's debts up to a certain amount if it goes out of business, and do not have to sell their personal assets to repay these debts.

a company or group of companies acting together as a single organisation /in Britain, a large company or a public organisation.

an important skill that you need to have when doing a particular job / a particular ability or skill that a company has, which gives it an advantage over its competitors.

someone who owns shares in a company.



core competency

credit crunch


best practice


limited liability
