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Person 1 : " Did you hear about the ____________________ that happened last night ? "
Person 2 : " No , what happened ? "

Person 1 : " Some dumb ____________________ tried to rob a jewelry store , but the hero of the story is the owner who fought back and managed to ____________________ his store . "
Person 2 : " Wow , that's ____________________ - dropping ! What happened to the ____________________ ? "
Person 1 : " They were caught by the police and ____________________ to several years in prison . "
Person 2 : " Well , they got what they deserved . Can you ____________________ how the owner managed to fight them off ? "
Person 1 : " The owner had a security system in place that alerted him when the thieves broke in . He quickly went to his store and fought them off with his ____________________ hands . "
Person 2 : " That's impressive ! The owner is truly a ____________________ . "
Person 1 : " Yes , he is . He risked his own safety to ____________________ his store from those criminals . "