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In the long - run , the economy will eventually trend back to ____________________ output .

Most macroeconomists believe that the process of self - correction typically takes a ____________________ or more .

John Maynard ____________________ once declared , " In the long - run we are all dead . "

Economists usually interpret Keynes as having recommended that governments not wait for the economy to ____________________ itself .

Many economists argue that the government should use ____________________ policy to get the economy back to potential output in the aftermath of a shift of the aggregate demand curve .

Stabilization policy is the use of government policy to reduce the ____________________ of recessions and rein in ____________________ strong expansions .
A policy that maintains the economy at its original equilibrium is desirable because the temporary fall in aggregate output is associated with high ____________________ .

Price ____________________ is generally regarded as a desirable goal , so preventing deflation is a good thing .

Policymakers should not always act to ____________________ declines in aggregate demand .

Some policy measures to increase aggregate demand , especially those that increase budget ____________________ , may have long - term costs in terms of lower long - run ____________________ .

In the real world , policymakers aren't perfectly ____________________ , and the effects of their policies aren't perfectly ____________________ .

Policymakers also try to offset ____________________ shocks to aggregate demand .

Despite more output and lower unemployment , the short - run gains from an inflationary gap must be paid back ____________________ .
In contrast to the case of a demand shock , there are no easy remedies for a ____________________ shock .

There are no government policies that can easily ____________________ the changes in production costs that shift the short - run aggregate supply curve .

If the government acts to increase aggregate demand and limit the rise in unemployment , it reduces the decline in output but causes even more ____________________ .

If the government acts to reduce aggregate demand , it curbs inflation but causes a further rise in ____________________ .
Modern governments ____________________ a great deal of money and collect a lot in ____________________ .
Funds flow ____________________ the government in the form of taxes and government borrowing .

Funds flow ____________________ of the government in the form of government purchases of goods and services and government transfers to households .

In the United States , taxes are collected at the ____________________ level , the state level , and the local level .

At the federal level , the main taxes are income taxes on both ____________________ income and ____________________ profits as well as social insurance taxes .

U . S . government spending takes the form of ____________________ of goods and services and ____________________ .

Most U . S . government spending on transfer payments is accounted for by three big programs : ____________________ ____________________ , ____________________ , and Medicaid .

Social Security provides guaranteed income to ____________________ Americans , disabled Americans , and the surviving spouses and dependent children of deceased beneficiaries .

Medicare covers much of the cost of health care for Americans over age ____________________ .

Medicaid covers much of the cost of health care for Americans with ____________________ incomes .

The term social insurance is used to describe government programs that are intended to ____________________ families against economic hardship .
____________________ = C + I + G + ( X - M )

The government ____________________ controls government purchases of goods and services ( G ) .

Through changes in taxes and transfers , the government also influences ____________________ spending ( C ) and , in some cases , ____________________ spending ( I ) .

Either an increase in taxes or a decrease in government transfers reduces disposable ____________________ , leading to a fall in consumer spending .

Either a decrease in taxes or an increase in government transfers increases disposable ____________________ , leading to a rise in consumer spending .

Changes in the rules that determine how much a business owes can increase or decrease the ____________________ to spend on investment goods .

Because the government itself is one source of spending in the economy , and because taxes and transfers can affect spending by consumers and firms , the government can use changes in taxes of government spending to ____________________ the aggregate demand curve .
Fiscal policy that ____________________ aggregate demand is called expansionary fiscal policy .

____________________ fiscal policy takes the form of an increase in government purchases of goods and services , a cut in taxes , or an increase in government transfers .

Fiscal policy that ____________________ aggregate demand is called contractionary fiscal policy .

____________________ fiscal policy takes the form of a decrease in government purchases of goods and services , an increase in taxes , or a reduction in government transfers .
Many economists caution against an extremely active stabilization policy , arguing that a government that tries too hard to stabilize the economy through fiscal policy can end up making the economy less ____________________ .

One key reason for caution is that there are important ____________________ lags in the use of fiscal policy .

It takes time to collect and analyze economic ____________________ .

It takes months to develop a spending ____________________ .

It takes time to ____________________ money .

Because of time lags , an attempt to increase spending to fight a recessionary gap may take so long to get going that the economy has already ____________________ on its own .

If a recessionary gap turns into an inflationary gap by the time a fiscal policy takes effect , the fiscal policy will make things ____________________ instead of better .