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outside support & recognition are balanced w / internal group unity & rewards ; effective groups keep this balance by moving between these 2 systems ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________
member energy & work are balanced w / the group's need for rest & renewal ; effective groups understand that rushing to a distant finish line can only exhaust members & inaction accomplishes nothing ____________________ - ____________________
the need for structured work & creative thinking is balanced ____________________ - ____________________
effective leadership is balanced w / committed & responsible followers ; leadership isn't a solo task , it requires competent & responsible followers
____________________ - ____________________
similarities amongst members are balanced w / their differences in skills , roles , characteristics & cultural perspectives ; similarities assure members that they share some common characteristics ; no such thing as a purely homogeneous group bc 2 ppl can't be the same BUT some groups can be more homogeneous than others ____________________ - ____________________
the responsibility & motivation to complete tasks are balanced w / promoting member relationships ; groups that balance work & play are more productive ____________________ ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________
a commitment to group norms is balanced w / a willingness to differ / change ; norms affect the quality / quantity of work by members ; conflicting group norms highlight the need for conforming & nonconforming ____________________ vs ____________________
constructive conflict is balanced w / the need for unity & cohesiveness ; cohesive groups are committed / unified & willing to disagree & engage in conflict when necessary ____________________ vs ____________________
members' personal goals are balanced w / group goals ; groups won't function well if members focus on personal goals ; when there's a group goal , members can pursue personal & group goals only if personal goals don't hurt the group's goal ; members negotiate personal needs / interests to have a balance between the dialectic tensions of being an independent member of an interdependent group ____________________ ____________________ vs ____________________ ____________________