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After 8 hours working I need a ____________________ .
The food in this hospital is ____________________ .
To feel ____________________ I have to take a pil l
She is hitting me because she wants to make me feel ____________________ .
When ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , I have to sit down and rest for a long time .
My mother has a temperature . May be she has catched the ____________________ .
I am coughing and sneezing all the time , so I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .
My ear hurts me . I have a strong ____________________ .
My stomach hurts me . I have a strong ____________________ .
My tooth hurts me . I have a strong ____________________ .
A glass of lemonade and honey is perfect for ____________________ ____________________ .
The doctor said that I have to use ____________________ for walking .
I put my wrist in a ____________________ because it hurts me .
I ____________________ ____________________ hand ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ because it hurts me .
He is ____________________ because the other day while he was playing football , he fell down .
I ____________________ my arm so I will have to go to the doctor .
I have an ____________________ next Friday at the doctor .
I ____________________ my finger with that knife .
This illness is very ____________________ . It hurts a lot .
I had an ____________________ last week while I was driving .
I break my ____________________ while I was walking downstairs .
The ____________________ is the person who stays ill in the hospital .
The hospital was burning so I had to exit using the ____________________ ____________________ .