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The ____________________ family is the traditional family structure in the West . This term , originating in the 1950s , describes families ____________________ of a father , a mother , and their offspring . Under this structure , the family is seen as the basic unit in society ; the father functions as the ____________________ and the mother as the homemaker . ____________________ , alternative family types are becoming more ____________________ , such as single - parent families , families headed by same - sex parents , and extended families where families live with their kin , which may include several generations . Extended families are less common in North America , where it is not uncommon to place grandparents in ____________________ homes .
A Social Trends survey in 2009 reported radical changes in child ____________________ and marriage practices in the United Kingdom . Figures showed that while 30 percent of women under thirty had given birth by the age of 25 , only 24 percent had tied the knot . This marked the first time childbirth had become the first major ____________________ in adult life , ahead of marriage . In 1971 in the U . K , 3 / 4 of women were married by the age of 25 and half were mothers .
Judging by the high ____________________ of divorce and the ____________________ number of children born out of ____________________ , it would appear that the family as an institution is in decline . American sociologist Stephanie Coontz believes so too , but for different reasons . Coontz points out that marriages are no longer arranged for political or economic reasons , and children are no longer required to contribute to the family income . Marriages nowadays are founded on love . She believes this shift towards love and free choice has actually weakened both the family by ____________________ it optional and the bond between the husband and wife by making it contingent on emotional ____________________ .