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If we go ____________________ one place , we must have come ____________________ another place .
Don't just run ____________________ a bear , run ____________________ a safe place .
We would walk ____________________ school from home , but they are far ____________________ each other .
We learn ____________________ each other . We teach new things ____________________ each other .
We listen ____________________ music with iPods , Apple has spread ____________________ the world .
I'm waiting ____________________ my phone to ring because my friend just drove ____________________ my house .
I'm listening ____________________ my mother's phone call , she's moving out ____________________ her apartment today .
Are you ready ____________________ the next challenge ? Stand ____________________ front .
The book is ____________________ life and living well . You'll find it if you walk ____________________ the shelf and look out ____________________ it .
She was running ____________________ the room , until she hid ____________________ that sofa .
She was running ____________________ scissors , too . That was ____________________ I told her to stop .
We cut paper ____________________ scissors , but we never run ____________________ them !
Have you heard ____________________ the girl who lost ____________________ eye from running ____________________ scissors ?
Please put the book ____________________ the table . Put it beside the plant .
Please put the scissors ____________________ the drawer that is ____________________ the sink .
Your assignments can be found ____________________ page twenty ____________________ your textbooks .
People don't like it when you stare ____________________ them . It goes ____________________ good manners .
They shouted ____________________ me so I threw a ball ____________________ them .
I don't believe ____________________ running ____________________ my fears . I run ____________________ them .
Where will you meet ____________________ her ? She's gone over seas right now .
I thought ____________________ you when I walked beside your house . When will you return ____________________ being abroad ?
We walk ____________________ the field ____________________ school . There's a ball ____________________ the tree that is next ____________________ the creek .
She borrowed a pen ____________________ me when we were ____________________ the cafe that's ____________________ to the park .
I gave a loan ____________________ her . It was ____________________ I got paid . She lives across the street ____________________ me .