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1 . Our supervisor has her ____________________ in many pies and she cannot do her job well .
2 . The issue of building the nuclear power plant is a hot ____________________ for the town council .
3 . I asked the department store to refund the money for my goods and they agreed . It was like taking ____________________ from a baby .
4 . My cousin's plans are usually ____________________ in the sky and will never happen .
5 . I don't want my little brother hanging around with the bad ____________________ on the street .
6 . The documentary on poverty in the world really gave me ____________________ for thought .
7 . The girl will go ____________________ if her boyfriend forgets to buy her a birthday present .
8 . The father gave everything to the boy on a silver ____________________ and now he is very spoiled and selfish .
9 . Our boss told everyone that they could have a holiday next week but he later had to ____________________ his words and cancel it .
10 . Have you any idea how much money this mistake will cost the company ? You can be sure that ____________________ will roll .