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1 . The President had badly ____________________ ( judge ) the mood of the voters .
2 . I think you ____________________ ( understand ) my question .
3 . The ____________________ ( use ) containers mean fewer bottles are thrown away .
4 . I ____________________ ( agree ) with driving when you can walk .
5 . He ____________________ ( obey ) the captain's orders .
6 . Women who smoke risk giving birth to ____________________ ( weigh ) babies .
7 . The company created a plane that's ____________________ ( visible ) to enemy radar .
8 . His behavior was totally ____________________ ( appropriate ) for school .
9 . The school has ____________________ ( adequate ) computer facilities .
10 . His ____________________ ( able ) to read caused him many problems .
11 . She's very ____________________ ( mature ) .
12 . Mark stood ____________________ ( mobile ) .
13 . It's ____________________ ( mortal ) to treat people like that .
14 . I won't bore you with all the ____________________ ( relevant ) details .
15 . I'm having ____________________ ( rational ) fears about the future .