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Emily : it's hard to believe that classes are over . What are you going to do ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ?
Hiroshi : sleep .
Emily : me , too . We're all so tired !
Hiroshi : that's the truth . Are you going to go anywhere ?
Emily : Uh - huh . I'm going to visit my parents . They just retired and moved , and they want to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .
Hiroshi : that sounds good .
Emily : how about you ?
Hiroshi : I was going to travel around for a few weeks with my friend , but unfortunately ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ he can't go , so I'm just going to stay here .
Emily : and sleep .
Hiroshi : right . ____________________ ____________________ , I'll have the time to sleep . And I plan to go to the gym ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ A lot . I've been lazy and now it's time to get serious about exercise .
Emily : well , with all that sleep you're going to get , you'll have a lot of energy . Do you have any plans to go back to Japan ?
Hiroshi : Uh - huh , in six months . I decided that ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ staying here the whole time so I can work on my English .
Emily : do you ever get homesick ?
Hiroshi : uh - huh . But I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . Everyone a lot by e - mail , and I found a cheap phone card . And my best friend was here last month .
Emily : well , that's good . Are you planning to take music again next semester ?
Hiroshi : yes , for sure . I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ of this class , and I really want to continue . I've learned a lot about music , and ____________________ ____________________ , it's been good for my English . How about you ?
Emily : oh , music is my major , so I'll definitely be here . Well , it was great talking to you . Hiroshi . I hope you have a great break ! See you in few weeks !
Hiroshi : OK . Have a great time !