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Mother : Honey , wake up . Come on .
Daughter : What time is it ?
Mother : it's almost 7 : 00 . You need to get ready for dinner .
Daughter : I'm not hungry . Mom . Please let me sleep . I'm so ____________________ ____________________ .
Mother : but you will never ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ if you keep taking naps . Come on . Maybe you'll ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . after you have something to eat .
Daughter : I doubt it . Please let me rest for a few more minutes .
Mother : OK . Just a few minutes . Why don't you tell me about your plans . Dad told me that you might go back next year , and to tell you the truth , I want you to stay home and finish school here . We missed you so much when you were away .
Daughter : I missed you , too .
Mother : on your birthday I almost ____________________ ____________________ a plan . a plane to visit you . I wanted to surprise you .
Daughter : you should have come . I would've introduce you to all my friends .
Mother : tell me about them now . I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
Daughter : Now ? I 'm too tired . How can I even ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ? there's so much to tell .
Mother : well , you can start at the dinner table .
Daughter : dinner , dinner , dinner
Mother : Aha ! Now you're awake !
Daughter : please let's just talk here . I don't want to get up . But you talk . tell me about how you have been
Mother : Well , you know , when you first left , it was so quiet around here . it hit home That you were really on your own . My baby had left the nest . It was hard at the beginning not having any kids around . One day I'd be fine , and the next day I'd be kind of sad . I guess I have my ups and downs But over time I got better . Hey ! Your eyes are closing0 Kate ! Don't go back to sleep !