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Last night I had the opportunity to see the kind of movie that comes out only ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . I went in thinking that I'd be ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , but I was completely surprised . It was terrific . The audience was so involved that no one was even eating popcorn . As for me , well , I was only ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . for most of the movie . Why was it so interesting ? I'll tell you why . It was about what ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ of people care about ? love and friendship . A woman was married to a guy who didn't work . She tried and tried to get him to ____________________ ____________________ and go back to school and get a job . But no , he wouldn't . she didn't know what to do .
Then , one day she was sitting on her life . Her ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . From one subject to another , when all of a sudden , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ her that she had the power to make a change in her life . She realized she didn't have to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ with this guy . Just at that moment her husband joined her on the porch and had a few of his own things to say . He asked her why she didn't work , why she ____________________ ____________________ . In the house all day . Do you want to know how she responded ? Well , folks , see the movie . You won't regret it .