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Jack : I'm bored .
Jill : so am I . what do you ____________________ ____________________ doing ?
Jack : we could watch TV .
Jill : no , remember , we promised each other that we'd watch no more than two hours a day . You don't to become a couch potato , do you ?
Jack : no , but I don't want to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ reading .
Jill : how about getting some more exercise ?
Jack : well , I'm never ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ get exercise .
Jill : ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , but you know we sit around too much . Did I tell you that Lucy wants to ____________________ ____________________ With me three times a week and take walks ?
Jack : that sound like a good idea . You should ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ her .
Jill : you know you can come with us .
Jack : Jill . I'm really not ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ this conversation . Where's the remote ?