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1 . My new boss is ____________________ ____________________ than my old one . ( patient )
2 . Pollution is ____________________ in cities than it is in the country . ( bad )
3 . We aren ? t in a hurry . You can drive ____________________ ____________________ . ( slowly )
4 . The summers here are ____________________ than they were in the past . ( hot )
5 . I failed the test . I ? ll work ____________________ next time . ( hard )
6 . It ? s ____________________ to my parents ? house than it is to my best friend ? s . ( far )
7 . You can make dinner tonight . You cook ____________________ than me . ( good )
8 . The Japanese diet is ____________________ than the American diet . ( healthy )
9 . A motorcycle is ____________________ ____________________ than a car . ( dangerous )
10 . Los Angeles Airport is ____________________ than San Francisco International Airport . ( busy )