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Wonder Woman ____________________ ____________________ superhero . She ____________________ courageous , ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ . Her secret ____________________ ____________________ Diana Prince , as Diana she ____________________ as a ____________________ . Wonder Woman is very ____________________ . She ____________________ tall and ____________________ . She ____________________ ____________________ long ____________________ hair and green ____________________ . ____________________ costume is very ____________________ , ____________________ red and blue , the colours of the United States . There ____________________ a golden eagle on the upper part of the costume , and ____________________ ____________________ stars on the shorts . She also ____________________ a pair of red boots , and a tiara .
Wonder Woman ____________________ ____________________ many super powers and ____________________ . She ____________________ super strong , super fast and super agile . She ____________________ fly and she ____________________ heal people . She ____________________ ____________________ magical ____________________ , her bracelets are indestructible , she ____________________ ____________________ a Lasso of Truth , and she ____________________ ____________________ a ____________________ sword .