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Sarah's story

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The activity consists of completing with the story of sara in the empty spaces, taking into account the first paragraph of the story

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Sarah's story

The activity consists of completing with the story of sara in the empty spaces, taking into account the first paragraph of the story

yuliana garcia lugo

help Idalid music phone Olmedo and food Sara to and family cell a listen television lodging Daniela Luis university a computer radio

Sarah's story

Once upon a time there was a peasant family that lived very far from the city , they did not have , , a , they only had a to . This was made up of 5 people , who were the parents of , . Her parents gave him basic and secondary studies since this was free , but when the university arrived , they had no choice but to send them alone to the , far from them , hours away , with people who offered to these young people , very good people . They provided him with and .

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