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When a cell reaches a certain size it either stops growing or divides . The stages through which a cell passes from one cell ____________________ to the next is known as the cell cycle . The time taken to pass from one cell division to another varies across cells , however on average it is 8 - 20 hours in ____________________ growing tissues . The cell cycle can be broken down into two main phases : interphase and mitotic phase . During interphase , the cell is actively growing and metabolizing ( making proteins , hormones , etc ) . It is also preparing for cell division . When the cell is not dividing , the DNA is in the form of chromatin . During prophase ( the first stage of mitosis ) , chromatin condenses into chromosomes . The advantage of condensed chromatin is that it is easier to move it across the cell . A centromere is the region in an x - shaped chromosome where the two sister chromatids join together . A centromere consists of heterochromatin ( inactive DNA ) . During cell division , ____________________ attach to this region to pull sister chromatids apart . Cohesins are proteins that hold sister chromatids together in a chromosome . ____________________ are mainly concentrated in the centromere . When sister chromatids are pulled apart , these cohesin proteins disassemble . During prometaphase , kinetochores form on each side of the centromere , so there is one kinetochore per sister chromatid . ____________________ serve as points of attachment for microtubules to pull apart the sister chromatids during cell division . ____________________ are repetitive nucleotide sequences that cap the ends of sister chromatids . Telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes from ____________________ or fusing with other chromosomes . They also maintain the structural ____________________ of the DNA , ensure complete DNA replication with telomerase , and position chromosomes in the nucleus . Every time a cell divides , ____________________ become shorter and when the telomeres get too short or are completely lost , the cell can no longer divide . Karyotyping is the process of pairing and arranging chromosomes from largest to smallest to observe and determine any abnormalities . A ____________________ is an individual's complete set of chromosomes . Mitosis only occupies a brief period of the cell cycle , so most of the time cells are in ____________________ . In G1 phase , the cell is metabolically active and continuously growing . The cell is also preparing for duplicating DNA ( high levels of RNA ____________________ and protein synthesis can be seen ) . Many of the proteins synthesized will be used for DNA ____________________ and chromosome replication during S phase . It can also be noted that organelles such as the mitochondria increase in number . Another thing to note is that cytokinesis is fully completed in G1 . So , in G1 the ____________________ cell's cytoplasm divides into two completely separate daughter cells . In S phase DNA synthesis and replication occurs , RNA transcription and protein synthesis continues to happen , and the ____________________ gets duplicated . By the onset of G2 phase , DNA should have been already replicated . In this phase the cell continues to grow and is still metabolically active ( transcribes RNA and synthesizes proteins in preparation for mitosis ) . The ____________________ of these cell cycle phases and the frequency of mitosis varies considerably in different kinds of cells and tissues . A typical cell cycle would last for 24 hours . ____________________ lasts for 23 hours , while mitosis and cytokinesis last for 1 hour only . However , there are some types of cells that can divide much more rapidly . For example : ____________________ yeasts divide every 90 minutes and bacteria divide every ____________________ minutes . That is why on hospital wards , infection spreads so quickly and precautionary measures have been put to prevent the spread of infection . For example you are not allowed to wear long sleeves when examining the patient . A cell can leave the cell cycle and enter something called the G0 phase ; otherwise known as ____________________ phase . In this phase , the cell temporarily stops dividing , however it is still metabolically active . The cell needs a signal ( some sort of growth factor ) to return back to the cell cycle . An example of a cell that enters the G0 phase is the ____________________ cell . A liver cell divides only once a year . There are other cells which leave the cell cycle and permanently stop dividing . This can be because of damaged DNA ( ____________________ ) or because of age . These types of cells undergo what we call programmed cell death ( ____________________ ) . Cells enter the G0 phase from a checkpoint in the G1 phase . If damaged DNA was detected in the cell at this checkpoint , then the cell will move to the G0 phase . In total , the cell cycle has ____________________ checkpoints to ensure that complete genomes are transmitted to daughter cells . Some cells such as cardiac muscle cells and neurons enter the G0 - like phase when they reach maturity and they never leave it . The G1 checkpoint is regulated by a protein called ____________________ , which delays DNA synthesis that happens in the S phase until DNA damage is repaired . There is also a G2 checkpoint that controls entry to the mitoti c