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1 . The classifications of soups are ____________________ , ____________________ , ____________________ & ____________________ / ____________________ .

2 . Broth and Consommés are classified as types of ____________________ soups .

3 . The three main groups of soup garnish are ____________________ , ____________________ in soups and ____________________ .

4 . Specialty soups are distinguished by unusual ____________________ or ____________________ .

5 . Soups can be served ____________________ or ____________________ .

6 . The ____________________ ____________________ soup created by King Louis XV consisted of ____________________ , toasted ____________________ , grated and grilled ____________________ .

7 . Toppings are usually used for ____________________ soup that consists of one plain colour .

8 . ____________________ is a general term in French used to describe thick soup .

9 . Soup is a typical ____________________ dish , combining of meat and / or vegetables alongside with stock , ____________________ or water .

10 . Accompaniments are usually served before & after soup . ____________________

11 . ____________________ and Purée is classified as ____________________ soups .

12 . A shellfish purée soup , thickened with rice or cream is commonly known as ____________________ .