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Endochondral ossification and intramembranous ossification are both ways that fetal bones are developed . Both types of bones are remodeled later . After remodeling , cannot tell which type is which . ____________________ ____________________ starts with formation of ____________________ membrane . Ossification begins at 8 weeks of gestation , and is completed by two years . Some examples are the ____________________ and ____________________ bones . The steps are the formation of ____________________ ____________________ which is collagen fibers and cells . These cells differentiate into osteoblasts that surround fibers and make the matrix . ____________________ is made and more layers are laid on the trabeculae . They interconnect to form cancellous bone . Spaces between for red bone marrow . Cells on perimeter of bone differentiate to form ____________________ . ____________________ under periosteum lay down ____________________ ____________________ . ____________________ begins in ossification centers . Membrane spaces between ossification centers are called ____________________ .