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1 did a study of the activities of neurons in the visual cortex
2 first to conduct scientific studies on memory and forgetting; learning curves;
3 law of effect-the principle that behavior followed by favorable consequences becomes more likely and vice versa
4 learned helplessness is the giving up reaction that occurs from the experience that whatever you do you cannot change your situation
5 conducted a hospital experiment to test the diagnosis that hospitals make on patients; wanted to see the impact of behavior on being a patient; proved that once you are diagnosed with a disorder, your care would not be very good in a mental hospital setting
6 conducted the famous Stanford Prison Experiment; studied the power of social roles to influence peoples behavior; proved people’s behavior depends to a large extent on the roles they are asked to play; experiment had to be stopped because it got out of control
7 operant conditioning-- techniques to manipulate the consequences of an organism’s behavior in order to observe the effects of subsequent behavior; Skinner box; believed psychology was not scientific enough; wanted it to be believed everyone is born tableau rosa (blank slate); NOT concerned with unconscious or cause, only behavior
8 theory that linked personality to physique on the grounds that both are governed by genetic endowment; endomorphic (large), mesomorphic (average), ectomorphic (skinny)
9 conducted a study on obedience when he had a subject shock a patient to the extent that they would be seriously injuring the patient
10 observational learning- allows you to profit immediately from the mistakes and successes of others; his experiment had adult models punching BoBo dolls and then observed children whom watched begin to exhibit many of the same behaviors; social learning theory
11 personality is determined to a large extent by genes; used the terms extroversion and introversion
12 humanistic psychologist who believed in unconditional positive regard; people will naturally strive for self- actualization and high self-esteem, unless society taints them; reflected back clients thoughts so that they developed a self- awareness or their feelings; client-centered therapy
13 theory of evolution, survival of the fittest-origin of the species
14 studied theory of attachment in infant Rhesus monkeys; also experimented on the effects of social isolation in young monkeys and observed that they become severely emotionally disturbed and never recover fully
15 founder of behaviorism; generalization; applied classical conditioning skills to advertising; most famous for Little Albert experiment, where he first trained Albert to be afraid of rats and then to generalize his fear to all small, white animals
16 believed that gastric activity in an empty stomach was the sole reason for hunger; did experiment by inserting balloon in subjects stomach
17 mere exposure effect; it is possible to have preferences without inferences and to feel without knowing why
18 father of classical conditioning-- an unconditional stimulus naturally elicits a reflexive behavior called an unconditional response, but with repeated pairings with a neutral stimulus, the neutral stimulus will elicit the response
19 humanist psychologist who said we have a series of needs which must be met; you can’t achieve the top level, self- actualization, unless the previous levels have been achieved; from bottom to top the levels are physiological needs, safety, belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization; lower needs dominate and individual’s motivation as long as they are unsatisfied
20 maintained that personality and ability depend almost entirely on genetic inheritance (human traits are inherited)
21 introspection-psychology became the scientific study of conscious experience (rather than science); father of modern or scientific psychology; structuralism was the approach and introspection was the methodology
22 pioneered the first study on JND (just noticeable difference), which become Weber’s Law; the JND between stimuli is a constant fraction of the intensity of the standard stimulus
23 theory that facial expressions are universal
24 systemic desensitization; maintained that fear could be unlearned; Little Peter experiment
25 study of conformity; experiment had a subject unaware of his situation to test if he would conform if all the members of a group gave an obviously incorrect answer