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1. high mountain / Everest
The Tworld Tthe Tis TEverest Tin Tmountain TMt. T Thighest. T
2. Bogota / Medellin / cold
than Bcolder BMedellin BBogota Bis. B B
3. fast plane / Global 8000
is T8000 TThe Tplane TGlobal Tfastest Tthe. T T
4. French / English / easy
is Fto Fpeople, F FLatin Fthan Feasier FFor FEnglish FFrench Flearn. F F
5. She Hulk / Wonder Woman / incredible
Wonder- SWoman Sthan SHulk SShe Smore Sincredible Sis. S S
6. Lamborghini / Ferrari / expensive
Ferrari ALamborghini Amore Ais Aa AA Aexpensive Athan. A
7. Santa Marta / a nice city
Marta Sthe Sis Sto Snicer Sin SCoast Son Slive Sthan Scity Sother Sany Sa SSanta. S S
8. Es mejor amar y perder que nunca haber amado.
than Ilove Ilost Iand Iloved Inever Ito Ibetter Ihave Iall Iat IIt's. I I
9. marketplace / Exito mall / cheap
than TThe Tcheaper Tis Tmarketplace TExito Tmall. T T
10. beautiful girl / Zendaya
The Tgirl TZendaya Tin Tis Tmost Tbeautiful THollywood. T T
11. Oceanian countries / European countries / fat
fatter OOceanian Othan Ocountries Oare OEuropean Ocountries. O O
12. large city / Tokyo
The Tthe Tis Tlargest Tworld TTokyo Tin Tcity, T TJapan. T T
13. Today / yesterday / busy
busier Tthan TToday TI'm Tyesterday. T
14. Traveling by plane / by bus / comfortable
more TTraveling Tcomfortable Tbus Tis Tby Tplane Tby Tthan Ttraveling. T T
15. Zendaya / Camila Cabello / thin
Cabello Zis Zthinner Zthan ZZendaya ZCamila. Z
16. Elon Musk / rich man
the EMusk Eis Erichest EElon Eman Eworld Ein Ethe. E E
17. Lo que no te mata, te hace más fuerte.
you Wstronger WWhat Wmakes Wkill Wdoesn't Wyou. W W
18. Mike / tall boy
in Mboy Mthe Mtallest Mmy Mclass Mis MMike. M M
19. Mark / lucky person. / He / win / lottery.
luckiest Myear Mis Mthis MI Mthe MMark. M Mtwice Mperson Mknow Mwon Mthe Mlottery MHe. M
20. I / my brother / tall. / tallest in family / uncle Tony.
my Iuncle Ithan Itallest II'm. I Iis Imy Imy Ifamily ITony Ibrother Iin Italler IThe. I I