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Chickens are vaccinated against ____________________ ( bacteria ) which helps to control the ____________________ of the disease and stops it being passed on to humans .
Gonorrhoea is a ____________________ transmitted bacterial disease ( STD ) which is passed on by ____________________ contact ( unprotected sex ) . Gonorrhoea was originally treated with ____________________ , but strains have now become resistant to it . To prevent the spread , people are treated with other ____________________ and should use other barrier methods of ____________________ such as condoms .
You can use simple ____________________ measures which will help stop the spread of disease . For example ; washing your ____________________ thoroughly before you prepare food or after you sneeze will stop ____________________ other people .
Vectors are ____________________ ( i . e . , mosquitoes ) that can be killed using ____________________ or by destroying their habitat so stop them ____________________ . Mosquito nets can also be used to stop the mosquitoes from ____________________ .
Ebola is a virus transmitted via ____________________ contact , so patients are usually ____________________ to limit the spread and medical staff wear ____________________ clothing .