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1. How much does the carrot cost?
costs Ttwo TThe Tcarrot Tdollars. T
2. How much does the tomato cost?
one Ttomato Tdollar TThe Tcosts. T
3. How much does the water cost?
water TThe Tdollars Tcosts Teight. T
4. How much does the milk cost?
six Tmilk Tcosts TThe Tdollars. T
5. How much does the juice cost?
costs Tfive TThe Tjuice Tdollars. T
6. How much does the lettuce cost?
lettuce Tcosts Tthree TThe Tdollars. T
7. How much does the fish cost?
fish TThe Tcosts Tnine Tdollars. T
8. How much does the apple cost?
dollars Tfour TThe Tcosts Tapple. T
9. How much does the beef cost?
ten Tcosts Tbeef TThe Tdollars. T
10. How much does the chicken cost?
seven TThe Tdollars Tchicken Tcosts. T