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In conclusion, I strongly disagree with the argument that life in the past was much better than life today because of improved medical care, education and employment opportunities available nowadays.

The main reason why the way we live today is better than how we lived previously is because of healthcare. Nowadays, doctors can easily cure many of the illnesses that killed our ancestors. In addition, doctors can provide us with vaccinations that can prevent us from catching a disease at all.

Another reason why our lives are an improvement on those who lived earlier is the availability of education. In our time, the citizens of many countries have free education from the age of five or six, and if they study hard enough, they can go to college or university, whereas in the past only a few rich people received an education.

Finally, there are so many more job opportunities now compared with the past. For example, although our grandfathers often had to follow the same career as those who came before them, we can choose a job which interests us. We spend one third of our time at work, so this is very important.

Was life in the past better than now? Some people think that life in former times was superior to life these days. However, I strongly believe that the way we lived in the past was actually much worse for three important reasons.

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